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Pig Roast Manual | Customer Testimonials

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Customer Testimonials


Land O' Lakes. WI

Weekly pig roasts during the summer keep Stateline Catering busy with their PORTA-GRILL® equipment. Linda Menham comments that "from the very first use, it was so easy to use! Our food turned out perfectly the first time and has only improved since then."

The pigs they roast range in weight from 120 to 148 pounds. Stateline also uses their PORTA-GRILL® for weekly 'Steak Frys,' and not limiting to just the summer months either. "Even with an outside temperature of three degrees, the steaks got done in the same amount of time."

Linda has the perfect solution for easy clean-up. "First, we crank the heat [of our PORTA-GRILL®] all the way up to burn off as much [grease] as we can, then pull it to the car wash after it cools. Just park it over the drain, soap the unit down and scrub it, then rinse the soap off and drip dry." Because of the high pressure of the water, prior to washing the thermometer and control knobs should be removed from the unit.


Sandusky. MI

Principal Mark Hund, with help from Tony Morell and Truman Johnston, roasted and carved a 165 pound pig for an appreciation dinner for the Sandusky coaches and support staff.

"None of us had ever worked with such a great grill - a unit with such easy portability and easy access from either side. It's a wonderful piece of equipment with great temperature control. Our dinner went so well that it is going to be a new tradition."

Mark stuffed the pig with 20 pounds of Polish sausage and secured the cavity with strips of wire. They also used the Coffee BBQ Sauce recipe they got from this very Pig Roast Manual for their baste.

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