Designer Recycling
Add a spiffy, positive impact to green initiatives with these ArchTec Parkview
Recyclers. The 45 gallon all-steel recycling center features a 12" x 5" mixed
opening lid that encourages proper litter disposal while concealing contents and odors.
Model DC-728201 - 23-1/4"Dia. x 34"H
Model DC-72840199 - 23-1/4"Dia. x 47-3/4"H
Built-in handles and bag clips come standard on the liner to help prevent
unwanted bag slippages, making routine maintenance a cinch. A discrete lid to base cable
attachment ensures the top will not be lost when servicing the removable black
powder-coated liner.

Model DC-72840199
Plastic Bottles, Aluminum, Glass, Bottles & Cans, Paper, Mixed Recyclables
decals included along with 2 Recycle logos.