Twice as Popular a Choice
The DoubleUp Double Sided Units are perfect for bike rooms within
multi-family developments and other ultra-high density parking environments. Made
with carbon steel, this free-standing frame will hold several bikes securely using
the smallest footprint possible.
- Free-Standing Vertical Bike Rack
- Offset Design Prevents Handlebar Conflict
- Fits Up to a 2-1/2" Wide Tire
- Capacity for 8, 12, 16 or 20 Bicycles
- No Metal to Metal Contact

Model 5109

Model 5109
Bicyclists can easily place the front wheel of their bikes on hooks that
hold the bicycles firmly off the ground. Hooks are staggered in height so there is no
contact between bikes or handlebar to handlebar conflict.
The metal locking bars provide
two points of locking contact to secure both the front and rear wheels to the rack with
either a U-lock or cable. Also included is an attractive imprint of a bicycle symbol
that lets cyclists know this is a safe place to store their bicycles and keep
passageways clear.
Models with Locking Bars
Locking Bars offers two points of contact to provide highly secure bike storage.
Models Listed Below are 20% OFF List Price!
Offer not valid with any other promotion or discount. All orders must ship when ready.
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