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Elite™ Smokers Cease Fire®

Stylish, Smart Solution
to Cigarette Butt Pollution

Keep cigarette litter safely hidden from public view and enhance your property's image with the sleek, textured contemporary styling of the Elite™ Smokers Cease-Fire®.

Fire tested and approved by FM Global, this no-rust polyethylene receptacle features a oxygen-restricting, self extinguishing design to safely collect burning butts. Stainless steel snuffer screen reduces messy look and offers a fast, easy "snuff target" for cigarettes and cigars, resulting in fewer misses for a cleaner and more attractive smoking area. Limited entry design discourages unwanted trash from clogging the neck, while larger snuff area means less likelihood of your fingers contacting dirt and germs. Covered opening eliminates messy rainwater overflow.

Accessorize your Elite™ receptacle
for added security!

  • Optional padlock reduces tampering.
  • Optional anchoring kit discourages theft.
Elite™ Smokers Cease Fire® Collection

Dimensions: 38"H x 12"Dia.

  • Self-aligning, easy gliding tabs for mistake-free opening and closure. No tools or hardware to lose!
  • Pail securely "self-seats" back into specially designed base.
  • Large capacity - holds thousands of butts.
  • Internal double-drip lip helps keep ugly tar inside -outside housing maintains neat appearance.
  • For greater stability, base accepts one brick and sand for up to an additional 17 lbs of weight for windy conditions.
Item Specific Details Available on Linked Model Numbers Below

Elite™ Smokers Cease Fire® Smoking Receptacles

268501 Cool Gray (11 lbs) $236.00
268502 Sierra Tan (11 lbs) $224.00
268503 Jet Black (11 lbs) $231.00
268504 Aspen Green (11 lbs) $0.00


268505 Anchoring Cable and Brass Padlock (2 lbs) $93.00
268506 Brass Padlock (1 lbs) $40.00
26802 Replacement Pail 4 Gallon (4 lbs) $60.00
26827 Disposable Bucket Liners 1 Pack of 10 with Twist Ties (2 lbs) $65.00
26830 Disposable Bucket Liners 25 Packs of 10 with Twist Ties (36 lbs) $1,459.00
(Prices F.O.B. Origin)
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